What is the procedure for the final payroll of the tax year?

The final date for tax and national insurance to be received by HMRC in respect of the March payroll is 22 April or the last working day before then. After this date interest becomes payable.
With the introduction of RTI, we now need to advise HMRC that your final salary has been made by 19 April. After this date, an Earlier Year Update (EYU) is required.

To finalise your payroll for the year we need you to advise us when you have made your last payment for the year. Well before the year-end, you will be emailed simple questions and the answers you provide will allow us to produce a sample end-of-year declaration on your behalf. This declaration will be sent to you for approval and amendments and unless we hear from you to the contrary, it is these answers that we will provide to HMRC.

The work involved in making changes to salary or declarations after a published date in mid-April means that we have to make a further charge for each alteration thereafter.

HMRC penalties for late filing

Late filing of the ‘Final Submission’ (formerly the P35) will give rise to a penalty of £100 per month from HMRC. Please also note that if we receive funds late and are not able to pay the PAYE and national insurance to HMRC by 22 April then you will be charged interest by HMRC. We transfer tax and national insurance payments to HMRC, for late receipts of salary funds, on a weekly basis. 

Amy FowlerWhat is the procedure for the final payroll of the tax year?