Competex Pro


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a payroll umbrella company?
What is the difference between Competex Pro and other payroll umbrella companies?
How much does it cost to work through Competex Pro?
Why will I be better off by working through Competex Pro?
What are the implications of work in the public sector through my own company?
Why does my agency insist I work through an umbrella company?
How long does it take to get set up with Competex Pro?
What are the steps taken to get set up and ready for work?
What happens once I am on assignment?
Can I move to Competex Pro from another payroll umbrella company part way through an assignment?
What happens after I have finished my assignment?
Does Competex Pro provide work-finding services?
Should I get set up with Competex Pro now or wait till I get my assignment?
Can I start work before I am registered with Competex Pro?
How is my pay structured?
How does the ‘ring fenced’ fund work?
What expenses can I claim free of tax and National Insurance?
Do I need to take out insurance?
Can I pay personal pension contributions out of pre-tax income?